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Author:  Kevin Davis

In this 51-page report you will find 47 ways for chubs to build relationships with chasers. Could you use a guide on how to connect with chasers? Can you choose just 3 to 5 tips to get started today to change your dating status from single to partnered? Of course you can.

 51 page report 
How To Date Confidently As A Chubby Gay Man
Author:  Kevin Davis

In this e-book I want to give you an overview of some of the dating challenges that chubby gay men have come to me for assistance with. And more importantly solutions to those challenges that will help you find love with confidence in your decisions while dating.

14 Page Report 
103 Headlines For Chubs To Use In Their Profiles
Author:  Kevin Davis

It’s not only your pictures that pull in chasers to your profile, it’s your headlines too.  Get your hands on profile headlines that get your profile read by chasers. And pulls him into the profile which is where you begin to connect with a chaser.

8 page pdf 
5 Ways To Attract A Chaser
Author:  Kevin Davis

This report will up your game when it comes to attracting chasers. As a chaser myself and a  coach, I show you how to attract a chaser in a way  that is focused on the end game, creating a  committed relationship.

10 page report
11 Tips To Build Confidence
Author:  Kevin Davis

Building confidence is one of the most empowering  journeys I’ve undertaken. It has personally allowed me  to find my inner strength and speak to audiences about  my passion for helping chubby gay men find  relationships.

6 page report
How To Write A Chaser Attracting Profile In Minutes
Author:  Kevin Davis

This 10-page report is short and wastes now time getting right to the point of creating a chaser attracting profile. This is also the foundation for coaching where we create your profile together if you are interested.

10 report 
9 Confidence Traits That Attract Chasers
Author:  Kevin Davis

Being confident is shown through your actions. Those  confident behaviors leave an obvious trail that  chasers are drawn to. When confidence becomes a  part of you, these traits will come naturally and bring  the attention of chasers with them.

10 page report | Worksheets
Mindset Transformation: Conquering The Challenge Of Limiting Beliefs
Author:  Kevin Davis

In this report you will learn how to transform the mindset of not having into a mindset of anything is possible. And I will show you how to apply that to all aspects of life. It’s the perfect start to beginning to believe you can have the relationship you want.

8 page report | 2 hours | Lorem ipsum
Relationship Essentials: Chaser Must Have Qualities
Author:  Kevin Davis

Qualities are the foundation on which relationships are based. Most relationships will fail because these  qualities have not been predetermined. If you know that you want a partner who is caring and  passionate but settle for someone self-centered, you are only causing yourself anguish. Let’s look at the qualities that make the best chaser partners.

10 lectures | 2 hours | Lorem ipsum
Facing Your Dating Fears In The Chub And Chaser Community Audio
Author:  Kevin Davis

This is one of the most important topics we will ever cover. It’s all about your fears when it comes to finding love and what you can do to overcome them. Another must have for any chubby gay man seeking love in the chub and chaser community.

62 minutes 
5 Steps To Prepare Yourself To Find Love In The Chub And Chaser Community Audio
Author: Kevin Davis

I examine 5 ways you can prepare yourself to find love in the chub and chaser community. This is a deeper dive than just a friendly chat. It’s a conversation you would have with a coach/chaser who has found love. A must have for any chubby gay man looking for love, especially online.

44 minutes
A One And Done Strategy For Finding Love In The Chub And Chaser Community Audio
Author: Kevin Davis

Here I ask you the questions that bring out the values you really want in a chub and chaser relationship. And you learn how to create a strategy from those values that get you what you seek.

48 minutes 
Manifest Love In The Chub And Chaser Community Audio
Author: Kevin Davis

Can you really manifest a chaser into your life that wants a relationship with you? Yes, and in this audio I show exactly how to bring the chaser that you seek into your awareness. Work smarter not harder and use your energy to create the relationship you want.

45 minutes 
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